Saturday, November 25, 2017

Just saying I'm thankful

Just saying Most of my blog readers or lack therof may or may not know that my family And I were homeless for 7 months last year till june of this year... We were staying at a motel but then it got too expensive for us then we were staying with my aunt who was my rock but for now she is more like a ghost. Don't get me wrong, I love her but one can only take so much disappointment for a holiday. I know we are on our feet now but, I still need an aunt to talk to. Anyway, back to my point. We are on our feet again and doing alright for now but, everything is not perfect. This holiday my dad couldn't say NO to my sister, and who gets stuck watching my niece and nephews while my dad is at dialysis?!?! My mom and I do!!! And to make matters worse, he took all the credit for taking care of the kids when it was just my mom and I who were at home all day thank God it's just my oldest nephew with us until tomorrow afternoon!!! All in all I'm thankful!!!❤

Thursday, November 9, 2017

"Teenage Dream"

I had a boyfriend who I was absolutely smitten with and whenever I heard the song teenage dream, it would make me think of him and the way his lips felt against mine and also to this VERY DAY it makes me think of him!!! It brings back so many happy memories of us and my life before the "incident" happened, I would have totally given him my virginity but back then I was a brainwashed Super-Christian!!! And my moms words screamed in my head, if you give it to a guy he will leave you and never talk to you again. But she was wrong because he married the next woman he dated after me, they have a son together but I don't want to think about that. All I want to do is listen to teenage dream and remember a happier time in my life, when I didn't have to worry about my future or anything but, the NOW!!!❤