Tuesday, March 19, 2019

I guess I blew it!!!

I told him I was pregnant and he freaked out on me and told me to get rid of it or he would break up with me,well as a defense mechanism I broke up with him first, ( not one of my smartest ideas) and now I am regretting it!!! I just miss him so much, I feel so lost without him!!! I've got to be out of my mind, to think it's going to work this time!!! And it kills me to know how much I really love you, so much I want to be with you!!! I gotta be out my mind, to think it's gonna work this time, but the other half still believes. And it kills me to know how much I really love you... So much, I want to be with you!!! I can't stand it!!! He was my everything!!! He made me want to be a better person!!! And now that is over because of my pride and fear of being hurt first!!!!

Sunday, March 17, 2019

It's over!?!?!?

I think it's over between us and I have a big regret over it. I never thought it would happen but, it did. We were so good,perfect,even happy together and I ruined it!!! I told him I was pregnant with his child and he told me I had to get an abortion!!! This is his child too!!! I didn't climb on top of myself and get myself pregnant!!! It takes two to tango!!! We both knew the consequences of what we were doing when we did it... He knew that having sex with me had a chance of me getting pregnant. I am only human!!! So we decided to call it quits this morning. I guess I woke up from this dream...

Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Sent from Heaven

I'm sitting here writing, just waiting for the love of my life, my destiny, to reply back to me!!! I have just told him a big secret that has been haunting me for years and he is so understanding and sweet about it!!! I don't know what I did to deserve or be blessed with that man!!! I am so lucky to have him in my life!!! ❤️ I have been in love with him since I was 9 1/2 years old and that love has not burned out since!!! I am so glad that we can take things slow and just be friends and enjoy each others company and joke around like we are buddies and just enjoy our time together. I love it!!! He just completes me!!! We have been dating for over a month now and I couldn't be happier!!! I love having sex with him! He knows how to get the right spot and make me orgasm multiple times!!! I have orgasmed multiple times since we have started having sex and I don't want to stop!!! Each time we have sex, I cum!!! MULTIPLE TIMES!!! I LOVE IT 💜 ❣️

Sunday, March 3, 2019

I'm just tired

I'm just tired of my sister telling my mom and I that we are going to be babysitting the kids next weekend without even asking if it's alright if she even drops the kids off next weekend not even asking if we have plans that weekend because, WE DO!!! First,we have my aunt's birthday party Saturday night and then we have my boyfriend's birthday breakfast the Sunday morning because I'm totally infatuated with him, I have been addicted to him since I was 9 1/2 years old and have been stalking him ever since. But back to my point, my sister has no courtesy for our lives. She thinks we have no lives of our own but considering I have a boyfriend now I won't have time to deal with her and her husbands families shit anymore... I have my own stuff to deal with and I couldn't be any more happier... However my mom is a big pushover and doesn't kn no to say no to my LITTLE SISTER!!! I CAN'T BELIEVE IT!!!   If I were to have some kids my mom would have no problem telling me no that she couldn't watch my kids and she would say shit to my face but, no she is afraid of my little sister!!! I would tell my sister to fuck off and find another family member to babysit. I'm no pushover!!! I love my sister but the kids drive me nuts!!!