Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Super busy with this quarantine 😑 is there an ending in sight?

I have been trying to keep super busy and keep myself I guess you can say "entertained" with this quarantine and it sucks!!! 🙄 We had my oldest nephew for a while and it was good but, then he went back home and now he is coming back because I guess his parents don't really want to "deal" with him 🙄 😒. It's sad that you don't want your own flesh and blood to be around you!!! And you expect for your mom and sister to raise your children for you to be able to go out and be able to have fun🙄 !!! NOT ON MY WATCH HUNTY!!!! I WILL NOT HELP RAISE YOUR KIDS FOR YOU TO BE ABLE TO GO OUT AND HAVE FUN WITH YOUR HUSBAND!!! I'M NOT THE ONE!!! 🖕. I'M trying to keep busy with my own life!!! And have fun in my own account!!! 😒🙄😋. Once this quarantine is done I'm going all out and getting ready to get beaty-fied!!! 😋. I deserve it because I have been doing nothing but cleaning up and doing laundry, throwing trashc!!! My mom and I are at each other's throats because of this quarantine. It doesn't help when I'm hormonal. 🙄 I just sit and think 💭 when is this "pandemic" going to be over? I just wish it would end already!!! 😣